Thursday, July 2, 2009

I finally managed to piece together some footage of my work. Observe:

Ta-da! What do you think?

Those are all clips from an upcoming indie feature titled Westmonster, a suburban dramedy starring yours truly along with a few other amazing actors. We're still in production; it's all going slowly but surely.

It must've taken me hours to figure out the phenomenon of DVD extraction programs and Windows Movie Maker. Sometimes I think I truly am a disgrace to the young people of this generation. After all, I don't even have an Ipod. And I see people twice my age carrying Ipods around this city.

At least I finally understand what Twitter is, as you can see over there on the right hand side of this page. I suppose it's never too late to catch up with the world of technology.

Then again, maybe it is for some people. One of my acting teachers, the lovely Irma Sandrey, comes to mind. The woman is apparently ancient, though you'd never know it. She's a beautiful lady, and having been a former prima ballerina, she's more limber than all us 19-20 year olds in her class.

"Lift your leg up and out, but do not overexert yourself," she had instructed us one time during relaxation exercises, while demonstrating by easily lifting her leg completely over her head, much to the astonishment of everyone present.

Last winter, I attended a performance of hers at Second Stage Theatre. While reading through her bio in the program, a couple lines caught my eye. One: "While still in her early teens, The New York City Ballet was started." Two: "Irma has been a member of the Actors Studio since 1969 [AFTER her career as a ballerina]." Three: "Irma made her acting debut in the part of Liat in the Broadway production of South Pacific."

South Pacific?!? That show was on Broadway in 1949.

These thoughts swirled through my head chaotically as I watched her under the spotlight onstage, looking not a day over 60.

Oh my God, I had thought. She's a vampire.

During the most vicious stages of flu season, a meager portion of us kids managed to stumble into her class one day, either unable to produce any sound or unable to stop coughing up phlegm. Irma however, bless her soul, was as energetic as ever.

"Goodness," she had said mildly over the chorus of violent coughing, "Is everyone dying?"

"Irma," I had rasped out with much effort, "You're going to outlive us all."

To conclude what I was saying about seems that for some people out there, maybe trying to catch up with all the new internet trends is asking too much. I have little fear that my beloved acting teacher will ever see these words I'm writing about her, because I highly doubt that the woman has ever even stepped (a virtual) foot on the internet. In fact, one day during a class break, she had curiously eyed the laptop sitting in my lap.

"WHAT is that GADGET in your lap?" She had asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh...a laptop?"

She then laughed as if I had just said something completely absurd.

"Well for goodness' sake," she said, standing up to resume class, "Do put it away."